Goodbye, Django-CMS
I’ve made the decision to move away from a “heavy” handed CMS to something more… Trendy. Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely LOVE django as an application framework, but I am always left feeling unsatisfied when it comes to the CMS projects that have spun out of the community. There is nothing wrong with them other than they have not really gained any traction. I am personally migrating from Django CMS mostly because it is too much for what I need. I wouldn’t recommend anyone to use this in 2020 because its an inactive project… just not that many users. On the other hand Wagtail looks to be more active… alas… all I need is a simple way to generate a static site.
Hello, Jekyll
As someone who develops entirely in the command line with vim/tmux; I am LOVING just editing straight text files. It just feels better. It’s where I edit code, so why not edit my content here as well. I was resistant to the idea for a very… very… long time. After reading the Jekyll Philosphy, and experiencing the benfits it has to offer I was sold. It’s also super fast and cheap to host. So why not!
What to Expect
Two of my favorite things in life are to teach and to learn. Sharing knowledge with my peers has always been a passion of mine. However, after 5 years of self employment I’ve been left with a very small circle of colleagues. What better way to expand this circle than the interwebs!
I will be releasing weekly content! Nothing major at first; Next week I will be sharing some of my favorite useful docker shortcuts I have saved in my bash profile!