Motivation For Sharing
Believe it or not, I wasn’t always capable of delivering complete software. Early on in my career configuring and serving applications was the most stressful thing I could imagine. Between my early startup days and working in two 15-20 person developer teams I’ve spent hundreds of hours attempting to get code running on other computers than my own and vice versa . As a developer, there is little more enfuriating than the dreaded phrase “Well it’s working for me”. It doesn’t matter what side of that statement you are on; no one is happy. Docker is a great boon for solving this exact problem.
I was an early adopter of docker in 2015 thanks to my colleague Joshua Cox at I’ve been using Docker since. Docker is all the rage in 2020, so i’d like to share my most used commands from the last 5 years of Docker usage.
Docker: A Powerful, Yet Verbose Api
After getting started with Docker, and getting over the initial learning cuve it should be evident there is a lot of repetitive commands. This is the entire purpose behind Docker Compsose, and commands like docker system prune
. These are all fantastic additions to the command line api, but there are still precious keystrokes to save!
Command-line Docker Shortcuts
Add the following to your shell profile. I use Z Shell, so you can find all of these listed in my .zshrc file
General Shortcuts
Saving precious keystrokes
alias comp='docker-compose'
alias for different docker-compose.yml file.
alias comp_prod='docker-compose -f'
Open your docker host in Chrome at a given port (OSX only - you can replace this path with your own Chrome path).
dopen(){ /usr/bin/open -a "/Applications/Google" "//$DOCKER_HOST:$1";}
will let you pass an image name and build the current directory.d_build() { docker build -t="$1" . }
allows you to spin up an ephermeral and itneractive container.toss(){docker run -it --rm $@}
Not only useful when just messing around, I use this whenever I am debugging an image build. When you see…
Removing intermediate container 9ad8456f80d0 ---> 201553dcbaa8`
---> 201553dcbaa8
is a container id!! You can easily jump into this build state by runningtoss 201553dcbaa8 bash
allows you to run commands against an already initialized container.snatch(){docker exec -it $@}
is the same thing as snatch, but just drops into a bash shell. I found mysely appending bash MOST of the time i want to execute against a container so I opted in to add this as well.hijack(){docker exec -it $1 bash}
is a quick way to chown files generated in a docker container and linked in a volume.gime() { sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $@;}
is pretty self explanitory. Gracefully stops all of your running containers.alias stop_containers='docker stop $(docker ps -q)'
for the impatient.alias kill_em_all='docker kill $(docker ps -q)'
Some of these are superceeded by the docker system prune
command, however, sometimes thats a little to heavy-handed. Having some more fine-grained controls is useful.
will delete any non-running containeralias remove_containers='docker rm `docker ps -aq`'
remove all containers.alias nuke_containers='docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)'
will remove any non-running container and their images. This is very close todocker system prune
, leaving all volumes, networks and cache.alias tactical_nuke='remove_containers && remove_images'
- remove images that have no running containeralias remove_images='docker rmi `docker images -q`'
- remove any volumes not associated with a running container.alias nuke_volumes='docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)'
less interesting consideringdocker system prune --volumes -a -f
is now in the client, but occasionally I would like to blow away everything but my docker networks.alias nuke_from_orbit='nuke_containers && docker rmi -f `docker images -q` && docker volume rm `docker volume ls -q`'
Bonus: alias common framework specific things
creates a throwaway container and generates a new django project that your user will own by defaultfunction bootstrap_django(){docker run -it --rm --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app django startproject $1}
lets me execute django management commands]({snatch $1 python ${@:2}}
The Takeaway
The Docker API is complicated for a reason, but most commands you will execute are similar enough to abstract into bash aliases. I’ve always believed that the best programmers are the right kind of lazy. Some of these shortcuts are most definitely contrived and may only save several keystrokes; but I’ve found these commands greatly reduce the friction I experience when issuing common docker commands.
What bash aliases do you use? Am I miskten? For now, you can submit a PR. WAIT until I get my contact form up. I’ll aslo be extracting my Unify jekyll theme into something private so this repo can be public again.
Next Week
Look forward to me building a simple contact form for this website! I will be building a Flask API that this static website of mine communicates with and sends emails with mailgun.